Stake xcKSM
Earn rewards while you stake your xcKSM tokens. Don't have xcKSM tokens yet? Get them on the Transfer page.
To stake your xcKSM tokens and start receiving rewards, you should go to the Stake & Unstake page.
On the Stake & Unstake page, choose the Stake mode.
Have you already connected your Metamask account? If not, you will see the "Connect Wallet" button. Click on it, and you will be automatically connected or navigated to the Metamask browser extension installation page (if you don't have it already installed).
If you see a card like that one below,you're all set up and ready to stake some xcKSM tokens.
At the top of the card, you can check your current xcKSM and stKSM balance from a connected Metamask account.
Open your Metamask browser extension. If you don't see xcKSM or stKSM tokens there, click on a small "+" button near xcKSM or stKSM balance at the top of the card.
When you stake some xcKSM, you receive stKSM in return. stKSM is a liquid token that represents your KSM staked balance on the Kusama chain. Over time, as your delegation accrues rewards, the amount of your stKSM increases.
APR in the second row stays for "Annual percentage rate".
Pay attention to the transactional fees at the bottom of the card. You need to have enough MOVR in your Metamask account to perform a stake operation. MOVR is Moonriver’s native token. Learn more on the Moonbeam official site.
Staking is simple. Enter the desired amount of xcKSM in the input box. To be able to stake some tokens, you need to approve them first. In that case, you will see the Unlock Tokens button.
Click on it and confirm the transaction in a Metamask popup. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
After that, you will see that the Unlock Tokens button has changed to the Stake button.
Repeat the above steps – click the button, confirm the transaction in the Metamask popup, and wait for it to complete successfully.